Mt. Kenyan Jackson’s Chameleon (Chamaeleo (Trioceros) jacksonii jacksonii CB Babies


3 + months old.

SKU: N/A Category:


We have a few select Captive Born Jacksonii Jacksonii Chameleons for sale. These are the most beautiful of all the Jackson’s Chameleons and even most of the females have 3 horns. Now’s your chance to own one of a very few that are available here in the US. What an incredible looking chameleon. These are always compared to miniature Triceratops Dinosaurs. The males of this species have 3 horns and a bright yellow stripe down their side. The female Mt.Kenyan Jacksons sometimes have 3 horns as well and are a marbled green pattern. Mt. Kenyan Jackson’s Chameleons are a montane chameleon and prefer to be kept in the mid 70’s with a basking spot that gets up to around 80. They are a live bearing species! At this age they are difficult to sex so pricing is reflective of “unsexed status”, but we try our best with our 20 years of experience.

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Male, Female