Hello my name is Craig, I have been interested in all types of animal husbandry my whole life. Of course I have had the usual dogs, cats, Easter chicks and ducks; however, as a kid I made my 1st spending money catching and selling snakes and lizards to my school classmates. Most of my formative years were spent exploring the great outdoors with my dad learning much of animal identification and behavior. My life long hobbies all include outdoor activities and bringing the outdoors in by building and maintaining my own aquariums and pallidariums.
My first introduction to chameleons came by attending reptile expos in the local area. By this time our children were both interested in owning them. Our oldest selected a Veiled chameleon and the youngest a Jackson. This lead to more, much more – investigating, growing, breeding, expanding. Soon I was attending the expos as a vendor and this then became my fulltime passion and job.
For the approximately the past 16 years I have been producing thousands of chameleons and doubled my space to accommodate breeding and inhouse food sourcing for support. I have been the primary breeder/supplier of all captive bred chameleons for FL Chams . I have been told by many I am the #1 veiled and panther breeder on the east coast and perhaps in the USA. I have worked with and successfully hatched a number of species over the years including , Ch. deremensis, Ch. lateralis, Ch. jacksonii merumontanus, Ch. jacksonii xantholophusi, Ch. oustaleti, Ch. rudis, Ch. biaeniatus, Ch. verrucosus, B. decaryi, B. fischeri fischeri, B. fischeri multituberculatum, F. Cephalolepis, C. parsonii parsonii, R. spectrum, R. temporalis, R. brevicaudatus, and B. thieli. One of the most exciting achievements being the only breeder to captive breed/hatch in the US, after a 1.5 year gestation, the largest chameleon -the Parsons.
Chameleons truly are fantastic creatures uniquely created by God with their vibrant colors, independent eyes, long stretching tongues , strong tails! Photos alone do not do them justice.
Working with FL Chams in the background has been exciting and we wish Mike well on his new adventure as we continue to maintain the FL Chams legacy, providing the best possible quality chameleons.